Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL (hereinafter, “Avanqua Oceanogràfic”), in compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, informs the user of this website (hereinafter, the “User”), contained on this website (hereinafter, the “Website”), of the following conditions, which will govern the processing of your personal data within the framework of use and interaction with the Website, as well as the processing of your data regarding the contact that may be established with its owner.


  1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?


ResponsibleAvanqua Oceanogràfic SL
Registered officeGran Vía Marqués del Túria, 19. 46005 (Valencia)
Data Protection Officer (DPO)


  1. What personal data processing do we carry out?


The User’s personal data will be processed by Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL for the following purposes and on the following bases of legitimacy:


Purpose 1: attention to communications, resolution of incidents and complaints, as well as requests for information and resolution of other types of queries


  • Data processed for this purpose:identification and contact data communicated through the means provided by Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL, such as the forms on the Website, email or telephone. Specifically, and among other data that could be communicated depending on the specific query or communication that is sent, the processing of the name, surname, email address, telephone number, professional position and company or entity in which the User works is foreseen. .
  • Description of purpose:respond to the query raised and provide the information requested by the User.
  • Basis of legitimacy:User consent by accepting the processing of their data for the purpose indicated in the basic data protection information and the privacy policy.
  • Conservation period: necessary to resolve the query or provide you with the requested information, resolve the claim or incident, as well as to address any possible responsibilities or legal obligations that may arise, being able to keep your data duly blocked subsequently for at least 5 years, which is the general limitation period. of personal actions.


Purpose 2: management of the commercial relationship with the client including reservations for activities and restaurants.


  • Data processed for this purpose:identification, contact and, where applicable, economic, training and academic data, communicated through the means provided by Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL, such as the forms on the Website, email, telephone, or during the development of the commercial relationship with Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL Specifically, and among other data that could be communicated, the processing of the name, surname, address of email, telephone, delivery address or transaction and financial data necessary to complete the purchase operation carried out and the delivery of the purchased goods.
  • Description of purpose:manage, within the framework of providing its services, all aspects that could arise from the commercial relationship established with Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL due to the purchase of tickets or products in its online store and/or the relationship established with Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL including management of reservation data or arranged appointments.
  • Basis of legitimacy:execution of the contractual relationship.
  • Conservation period: for the duration of the contractual relationship, as well as to address any possible responsibilities or legal obligations that may arise, being able to keep your data duly blocked subsequently for at least 5 years, which is the general limitation period for personal actions.


Purpose 3: data analytics through cookies


  • Data processed for this purpose:Depending on the case, identification, contact and navigation data may be processed. For example: browsing habits (browsing patterns, most requested functionalities and services, preferences, etc.) or browsing identifiers (browsing device or IP address).
  • Description of purpose:analyze the User’s navigation on the Website in order to understand navigation patterns, improve the Website and the User’s experience.
  • Basis of legitimacy: consent of the interested party, granted by accepting the download of cookies in the cookie notice offered when entering the Website.
  • Conservation period: as long as you do not withdraw your consent and specifically for each cookie the one indicated in the “expiration” column of section “3. What cookies do we use?” of our Cookies policy.


Purpose 4: sending your own commercial communications


  • Data processed for this purpose: identification and contact data, such as name, surname and email address.
  • Description of purpose: send commercial communications related to the activity of Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL
  • Basis of legitimacy:consent of the User (recipient of the communications). The User, at any time, may withdraw the consent given by writing
  • Conservation period: the necessary to satisfy the indicated purpose and as long as the user does not oppose the processing or withdraw consent, as well as to address the possible responsibilities or legal obligations that may arise, being able to keep their data duly blocked subsequently for at least 5 years, being the general limitation period for personal actions.


Purpose 5: recruitment of volunteers


  • Data processed for this purpose: identification, contact and professional data, such as name, surname, age (solely for the purpose of identifying people with full capacity to act), email address, academic training and previous experience.
  • Description of purpose: management of volunteer applications that could be published at any time, as well as managing the database collected by electronic means, in order to evaluate new incorporations and develop the Volunteer Program of the Oceanogràfic Foundation.
  • Basis of legitimacy: (i)establishment of prior pre-contractual relationships with the candidate with the intention of concluding a volunteer contract, within the framework of the specific and specific volunteering processes to which the sender of the data participates, and consent may be requested for the conservation of their data for future purposes. programs; (ii) consent of the interested party in the event of spontaneously and proactively submitting their professional profile to the Volunteer Program, outside the framework of a selection process and specific offer.


  • Conservation period: for the duration of the selection process or revocation of consent and in any case for no more than 2 years, unless the candidate’s consent has been requested to retain it for a longer period.


Purpose 6: compliance with legal obligations


  • Data processed for this purpose: any personal data that could be processed within the framework of compliance with the legal obligations to which Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL is subject
  • Description of purpose: comply with any legal obligations that may be applicable to Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL
  • Basis of legitimacy:compliance with the specific legal obligation that is applicable.
  • Conservation period: that indicated in the applicable regulations based on the legal obligation imposed on Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL



  1. To which recipients will your data be communicated?


Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL, for the correct provision of services, may communicate your data to suppliers who will carry out their functions as data processors.


Additionally, we inform you that certain data, by virtue of current regulations or the contractual relationship you maintain Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL, may be communicated to:


  • Banks and financial entities for the collection of contracted services and/or purchased products.


  • Public administrations with jurisdiction in the sectors of García Carrión’s activity, when established by current regulations.



  1. Are international data transfers carried out?


Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL could carry out international data transfers from this Website derived from the acceptance of cookies:


Google LLC, Microsoft, Microsoft Clarity, TikTok, Cloudflare, HubSpot as well as Meta Platforms Inc. transfer data to the United States based on the user’s consent by accepting cookies.


By accepting cookies from these entities, the user consents that their personal data that may be collected through the loading and reading of cookies, be transferred to the United States, a country about which the European Commission has adopted the adequacy decision of December 10. July 2023,EU-USA Data Privacy Framework, declaring to companies located in the US that they are adhered to with adequate guarantees to the level of protection of European regulations.


If the user does not consent to this international transfer of data to the United States, they must reject these cookies, not providing or obtaining the functionalities or services offered with these cookies.


You can find out about transfers to third countries that, where applicable, are carried out by the third parties identified in the cookie policy in their corresponding policies.



  1. What are your rights when you provide us with your data?


The data protection rights that interested parties may exercise, when appropriate, are:


  • Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party.
  • Right to rectification or deletion.
  • Right of opposition.
  • Right to request the limitation of your treatment.
  • Right to data portability.
  • Right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated data processing.


The owners of the personal data obtained may exercise their personal data protection rights by sending a written communication to the registered office of Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL or

Models, forms and more information available about your rights on the website of the national control authority, Spanish Data Protection Agency, hereinafter, AEPD,


  1. Can I withdraw consent?


You have the possibility and the right to withdraw consent for any specific purpose granted at the time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on consent prior to its withdrawal.


  1. Where can I complain if I believe that my data is not being processed correctly?


If any interested party considers that their data is not processed correctly by Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL or that the requests to exercise rights have not been satisfactorily attended to, you can file a claim with the corresponding data protection authority, the AEPD being the one indicated in the national territory,


  1. Security and updating of your personal data


In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we inform you that it has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data provided. All this to avoid alteration, loss, and/or unauthorized processing or access, as required by regulations, although absolute security does not exist.


It is important that, so that we can keep your personal data updated, you always inform us when there is a change to it.


  1. Confidentiality


Avanqua Oceanogràfic SL informs you that your data will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality by all personnel involved in any of the treatment phases. We will not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, except in the cases legally provided for, or unless the interested party has expressly authorized us.