The underwater trip that this habitat offers crosses the Atlantic Ocean through a 35 metre tunnel connecting the Canary Islands with Bermuda.
The world’s oceans are large extensions of water which, despite containing few nutrients, are inhabited by animals capable of travelling thousands of kilometres to find food or mate. In open waters, only animals adapted to such hard conditions can survive.This aquarium consists of two underwater towers, connected by a 35 metre long tunnel, containing a unique underwater space inside the same tank. It is one of the largest aquariums in the world, with 6,000m³ of water.
Angel shark
Squatina squatina
This cartilaginous fish lies halfway between a shark and a ray as it has a wide flat head like rays do, and the back of its body is much more like that of sharks.
Blackchin guitarfish
Glaucostegus cemiculus
The blackchin guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus) is a cartilaginous animal which takes its name from the characteristic shape of its body, very similar to the stringed instrument.
Blacktip reef shark
Carcharinus melanopterus
The black-tip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) has characteristic black spots on its tips. This staining is much more obvious on its dorsal fin as it is outlined below it.
Bull ray
Pteromylaeus bovinus
The bull ray is named due to the shape of its head, reminiscent of a bull.
Grey reef shark
Carcharhinus plumbeus
The grey reef shark can migrate thousands of kilometres due to temperature changes in the water it inhabits and food availability.
Nurse shark
Ginglymostoma cirratum
The nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that usually rests on the seabed or in caves in the daytime, and it comes out at night to eat.
Port Jackson shark
Heterodontus portusjacksoni
El tauró de Port Jackson es caracteritza per ser una espècie principalment nocturna. S’amaga en coves i barrancs rocallosos durant el dia.
Sand tiger shark
Carcharias taurus
The sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) is one of the few sharks which, to maintain its buoyancy, takes mouthfuls of air which it accumulates in its stomach, acting as a float.
Pristis pectinata
The sawfish is a type of ray whose most notable characteristic is their long face, with 16 to 37 teeth.
Whitetip reef sharks
Triaenodon obesus
This small shark is characterised by having a long thin body with different white-coloured tips on its two dorsal and caudal fins.
Zebra Shark
Stegostoma fasciatum
The zebra shark is characterised by having a rounded head and five gill arches. Its caudal fin is very long, almost as long as the rest of its body, and the lower lobe of its caudal fin is not well-develope